Keep Consistent:

estimated reading time: 2 min

The final piece of consistency relates to pricing your content and services—and this one applies across platforms. There are two pieces to pricing consistency: logically pricing your range of content and avoiding pricing fluctuation.

Logically pricing your content means that your least explicit, least work-intensive, and shortest content is less expensive than your most explicit, most work-intensive, and longest content. For example, you should not price a titty pic higher than a dildo video. Even if you successfully bait a user into paying a lot for something simple and not very revealing, that user is far less likely to unlock your content in the future because they’ll feel that they’ve been tricked. You’ll make more money from building relationships with continuous unlocks than you will from one-off unlocks who don’t return.

When you’re working across multiple platforms, including your socials, make sure that you price consistently since you will likely have users who access your content in multiple places. If you post a sexy selfie on your socials, that’s free, so don’t send out the same or a similar selfie as a locked mass message. Instead, use that selfie as a free Explore feed post. Whatever you offer free in one place should be free everywhere.

The same reasoning applies to your locked or custom content. If you offer video dick ratings across platforms, offer them at the same price on all platforms. If users need to tip you $X to control your toy on one platform, charge the same tip on all platforms. Because different platforms offer different payout rates, you may need to slightly adjust your pricing, but the key is to avoid making the price wildly different.

The final point about pricing is that you want to avoid frequently changing it or suddenly and significantly raising prices. This is not to say that you should never adjust your prices! Perhaps you’ve been on the platform for awhile and built a steady following, so you feel that it’s time to increase your prices to better reflect the value you offer. That’s ok! Do it gradually. On the other hand, you might want to offer a discount for a holiday. If you discount your prices, try to make sure your users know that it’s temporary so they aren’t shocked when you return to your normal pricing. Though you can adjust your pricing every 24 hours on the platform, avoid abusing this feature so that you don’t lose users to real or perceived fickleness.