Keep Engaged:
Greeting New Contacts

estimated reading time: 2 min

You just got notified that a new user added you! Woohoo! Now what? Among all the models they’re adding, you want to stand out from the crowd. Acknowledge them as quickly as possible by sending a welcome text. Better yet, send a free, very short (10–15 seconds) audio message. Sending them something that’s free to unlock gets them in the habit of unlocking your content, making it easier to eventually send them content that’s locked for a price.

Whether you choose a text or audio message, make sure you mention their username and say something engaging, such as a question or call to action. Saying their username helps show that it’s really you on the other end sending a genuine message. You aren’t a bot giving an automated, generic response.

If their username reveals something about what they’re into, you could ask about it or prompt them to tell you more. If it’s funny or clever, you might complement them. If the name is a reference you recognize, consider mentioning that to establish some common ground. In your response, use your voice to play into your persona: For example, if you’re a girl-next-door type, you might sound sweet and bubbly.

The point is, you want to be quick to jump on those new ads with an authentic greeting. You want to show that it’s really you on the other end of the line and you’re actually available to engage. Finally, you want to make sure that this is a conversation starter and not an ender.

Tech Tip

Someone just add you, but you don’t see them when you open your messages? Users who’ve never purchased credits on the site (Basic Users) are automatically sorted into New Clients as they are lower priority than those who’ve purchased credits (Premium Users). So, if they aren’t showing up under the default sort of Recent, sort your messages by New Clients, and then you’ll see them!