Build Your Profile: Tags

estimated reading time: 2 min

Like every part of your profile, your tags need to work in tandem with your bio and profile pictures. Tags exist to help clients more easily and quickly find the models they’re looking for. On every page—Online Now, Phone Sex, Video Calls, Top Models, Trending, New Models, and Explore—clients can filter by using tags.

You’re only allowed to choose one tag for sexual orientation, two for hair color, three for ethnicity, and five for fetish. You may wonder how to choose if you don’t fit neatly into one box or have too many fetishes to count. For sexual orientation, hair color, and ethnicity, choose whichever are most accurate. If you’re mostly straight but once in a blue moon, you do girl/girl content, select straight. If you change your hair color, you can always update your tag.

You can include more than five fetishes in your bio, so for the tags, select those that are accurate for you and also the most popular. You can always Google which fetishes are currently the most popular. As always, do not select fetishes that you don’t like or can’t do. Use the max—select five fetishes. You can change these up from time to time as your interests change or you want to highlight something different about what you offer.